Friday, June 4, 2010

Fire and Fregrance!!!!

Wow......I sincerely don't even know how to give an acurate discription of all the amazing things that have happened this week!! I have been released from the stronghold of passivity and have been filled with boldness......I have also been released of the stronghold of rejection and I have been filled with acceptance and contentment! We are serving a real....moving.....and powerful God. And He is coming sooner then we are all thinking.....and I am so pumped!

Tonight I was ignited like I have never been ignited before....
Our night consisted of worship lead by a 16 year old girl.....and her 18 year old brother asked holy fire upon the room......and it came!!! Not only did we feel it but we smelt a physical fire burning in the room......a smoke that I have never smelt before.....and it was insane!! I found myself completly eclipsed in his prescence......and the next thing I knew I was jumping and laughing like I have never laughed before!!!! the smell resenated in my nose and I continued to smell it for the rest of the night!! God is so good!!!!! He is real and he is moving so powerfully through his children....I feel that know that I am free from everything that was holding me back from fully excperiencing God....the He is going to give me new radical...and refreshing experiences with Him :) I cannot even contain my excitement right now!! Everytime I think about it I get chills down my spin in sucha good way......!!!!!!

For everyone who is reading this just know that god wants to connect with you like this too......I am no more spiritual or special then you are and he loves you just as much as he loves me............he will come to you if you go to Him........:) I love all you guys somuch and I cant wait for you all to be ignited in Christ :)


  1. shelby. I am trying to get this comment to work.

    Love you: Grandma

  2. shelby: I think I finally figured out how to use the comment page. We got back from the beach house yesterday. It was nice getting everybody together. I so enjoy being with all the grandkids. I did miss you not being there. But I know you are doing Gods work. I am very proud of you. I wish it was something I could have done when I was your age. But I am growing in gods words throu you. The cookbook is off to the printers now. So I will get back to my sewing projects. Love you, god bless grandma pat
